作者:视觉中国研究院 编辑:姜大伟 来源: 阅读: 发表时间:2015-09-13
作者:视觉中国研究院 编辑:姜大伟 发表时间:2015-09-13
早在2005年,中国美术学院和德国海德堡科学院共同成立了中国佛教石经项目研究组。十年间,中国美术学院和海德堡科学院联合北京大学文博学院、山东省石刻艺术博物馆、西安文物保护研究院、北京房山石经与云居寺文化研究中心等学术机构的学者进行了大量艰苦的野外考察等一系列的科研工作,而科研成果的编写则由中国美术学院视觉中国研究院研究院士,时任德国海德堡科学院的著名汉学家雷德侯教授(LotharLedderose),中国美术学院视觉中国研究院研究院士、英国牛津大学原副校长、著名汉学家杰西卡•罗森教授(Jessica Rawson),中国美术学院毕斐教授,北京大学文博学院孙华教授和山东省石刻艺术博物馆王永波教授等多位知名学者执笔。
The Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, is pleased to announce that the winners of the 2015 ToshihideNumata Book Prize are LotharLedderose and Sun Hua for their edited volume, Buddhist Stone Sutras in China, Sichuan Province, Volume 1 (Wiesbaden/Hangzhou: HarrassowitzVerlag/China Academy of Art Press, 2014).
The ToshihideNumata Book Prize in Buddhism is awarded on an annual basis to an outstanding book or books in the area of Buddhist studies. The selection is made by an external committee that is appointed annually. The members of this year's committee were enthusiastic in their praise of Buddhist Stone Sutras in China. One member wrote that it is "opening a new chapter in the study of Chinese Buddhist 'Stone Sutras', by establishing a very fruitful methodological approach to these complex sources. As such, it has far-reaching positive implications for the field at large and represents (especially as part of a general project) an important contribution to the study of Chinese Buddhism as a whole, encompassing areas as diverse as textual studies, archaeology, religious practices and material culture." Another commented that it "represents a model of successful cooperation between Chinese and Western scholars; the bilingual presentation is particularly noteworthy from this point of view, as it makes the book accessible to a wider scholarly public."
沼田智秀图书奖(ToshihideNumata Book Prize)是由全球顶尖佛教领域的学者组成的专业评委会评选的年度大奖,授予该年度为全球佛教研究做出突出贡献的作品。