首页学术机构 万曼壁挂研究所




宗旨:万曼壁挂研究所,由保加利亚功勋艺术家万曼教授(马林瓦尔班诺夫MARYN VARBANOV)创建于1986年,1989年由文化部正式命名,是国内第一个从事当代纤维艺术创作与教学的研究机构。研究所注重对纤维质的独特结构、软雕塑的形态、软材料的表现语言和日常生活中柔性现成品运用的研究和创造,旨在打造一个富有人文精神特质的新的艺术物种,并使之成为我院当代艺术创作中的一支重要力量。

负责人:施 慧

Objectives:Founded in August 1986,by the famous Bulgarianartist,Professor Maryn Ivanov Varbanov,who is one of the most influential figures in the history of Chinese and international contemporary art,the centre become immersed in avant-garde practices and education in fibre as a form of contemporary art.Varbanov Fiber Art Research Centre tries to reactivate Chinese traditions,build up a new art language and art form,rich in our humanistic culture,supporting the establishment and development of further understanding of art,nature and society in our Art Academy.

Director:Shi Hui