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作者: 编辑: 发表时间:2011-02-27
美国亨利•鲁斯基金会(Henry Luce Foundation)和中国美术学院决定于2011年5月18日至5月24日在杭州的中国美术学院联合主办“西方艺术和艺术史杭州高级工作坊”,工作坊拟邀请国内高等艺术院校和综合性大学中从事艺术史及相关领域的教学和研究工作的资深学者和优秀研究生,到中国美术学院参加为期一周的旨在推进西方艺术和艺术史专业教学和研究方法发展的高端国际学术交流项目。我们将在申请参加工作坊的报名者中遴选约24名学者(包括参加2010年7月由鲁斯基金会、香港大学和香港美国中心主办的“香港工作坊”的成员)作为杭州工作坊的正式成员。
“西方艺术和艺术史高级工作坊”的目的在于加强和提升国内高等艺术院校和综合性大学的西方艺术和艺术史的专业教学和研究工作水平,促进中美艺术史家之间的交流和相互理解。工作坊将邀请圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)艺术史与考古系首席艺术史教授威廉.华莱士(William E. Wallace)和普罗维登斯学院(Providence College)艺术史副教授保罗.克伦肖(Paul Crenshaw)负责主持工作坊系列专题课程和研讨项目的设计与安排,并赴杭州承担工作坊实地的课程教学和研究指导工作,美国艺术史学者姜斐德博士(Dr. Alfreda Murck)将担任工作坊的学术顾问,杭州工作坊的学术主题是欧洲文艺复兴时期的艺术。
如果您期望获得参加杭州工作坊的机会,请将申请材料于2011年3月20日前发送至: xiaoyv127@hotmail.com(胡晓钰)或者cwc19860408@gmail.com(蔡汶泚)。申请材料需包含以下信息:
Advanced Workshop for Western Art and Art History in Hangzhou:
A Teaching and Research Institute
Sponsored by the Henry Luce Foundation and the China Academy of Art
Hosted by the China Academy of Art
May 18-24, 2011
The Henry Luce Foundation and the China Academy of Art invite Chinese scholars from faculty and advanced post-graduate students in Art History and related fields to participate in a one-week professional development program at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou dedicated to Western art history, its pedagogy and research methods. We anticipate selecting 24 scholars (including the participants of the Hong Kong workshop in 2010) from academies of art and universities throughout China to participate in the program.
The goal of the program is to strengthen the teaching and academic study of Western Art and Art History in Chinese art academies and universities and to promote the exchange and understanding between American and Chinese art historians. The program will invite William Wallace, the inaugural holder of the Barbara Murphy Bryant Distinguished Professor of Art History in the Department of Art History & Archaeology in Washington University in St. Louis and Paul Crenshaw, associate professor of art history at Providence College in Providence, to go to Hangzhou and serve as guest lecturers for the advanced workshop. Their lectures will focus mainly on the art of the Southern and Northern Renaissance.
A major emphasis of this advanced workshop will be on monographic study of western art history at the university level. The language of the workshop will be English, and good proficiency in English is a requirement for admission. The program over one week will be intense, and everyone selected for it will be obliged to attend the whole time and complete each of its components. All participants who complete the program will receive a certificate issued by the Henry Luce Foundation and the China Academy of Art.
The China Academy of Art will provide accommodation for every formal participant on or near the Nan Shan campus of the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou as well as logistical support. The Luce Foundation will cover all tuition costs for the workshop. Participants should arrive at Hangzhou on Tuesday, May 17 and may depart Hangzhou on Wednesday, May 25.
If you are interested in the program, please send your application materials to Ms. Hu Xiaoyu at xiaoyv127@hotmail.com or Ms. Cai Wenchi at cwc19860408@gmail.com by March 11, 2011. The application should include the followings:
1. an application form (form attached);
2. a written response in English to four questions listed on the application form;
3. a CV.
An application does not guarantee participation in the workshop. Eight to eleven participants will be selected from those applying.
The participants of the Hong Kong workshop in 2010 who are willing to participate in the Hangzhou workshop should send a confirmation message to Ms. Hu Xiaoyu at xiaoyv127@hotmail.com or Ms. Cai Wenchi at cwc19860408@gmail.com by February 28. The message should include the following:
1.Name \cell phone number\e-mail address\mailing address
2.Arrival and departure dates
China Academy of Art
Henry Luce Foundation