作者:姚雨辰 吴京颖 编辑:开红俐 来源:艺术人文学院 阅读: 发表时间:2019-05-15
作者:姚雨辰 吴京颖 编辑:开红俐 发表时间:2019-05-15
纳西姆·汗 教授
[Prof.Dr. Muhammad Nasim Khan]
犍陀罗研究中心 主任
时间:2019年5月15日(周三) 14:00-16:00
地点:南山校区1A305 贡布里希图书室
时间:2019年5月16日(周四) 14:00-16:00
地点:南山校区1A305 贡布里希图书室
时间:2019年5月17日(周五) 14:00-16:00
地点:南山校区1A305 贡布里希图书室
郭凤妍 博士
犍陀罗研究中心 博士后研究员
时间:2019年5月18日(周六) 18:30-20:30
Gandhāra-China Connection
Archaeological and Iconographic Evidence
主持人:孔令伟 教授
(中国美术学院 艺术人文学院副院长)
Gandhāra is believed to be one of the earliest and great seat of learnings as well as a land of pilgrimage and sacred to all. It also remained to be one of the ancient cross route of civilizations and has, therefore, played a significant role in the dissemination of knowledge and cross cultural communication with the surrounding regions. These interactions may be attested through travellers’s accounts, epigraphical records, linguistic study, numismatic evidence and owing to iconographic study. A lot has already been written about Gandhāra influence on the culture of these regions, particularly on Chinese Buddhist art and in this regard, a large number of evidence of Buddhist sculptures and paintings are to be found all over this country. Even, in layout, the Buddhist architecture in China seems influenced by the artists from Gandhāra as already demonstrated by some scholars. Despite the fact that Gandhāran art preserves mixed elements of both Western and Eastern art and that Gandhāra-China connections has a long history, almost nothing is available on the possible Chinese influence on Gandhāra civilization. The presentation here is,therefore, an attempt to highlight those foreign elements which are preservedin the Buddhist art of Gandhāra and that may originally be part of the ancient Chinese culture. Beside iconographic indications, there are some otherarchaeological evidence that may also confirm a vivid cross cultural-communication between these two regions.
Studying Buddhist Sculptures in Context
The case of But Kara IIIsite in Gandhāra
主持人:王霖 副教授
Hundreds of Buddhist sites have so far been recorded and excavated in the region of Gandhāra from where thousands of sculptures, the number of which is still increasing, are recovered. These sculptures either came through officialexcavations or owing to illegal diggings or even due to chance discoveries. For some of the excavations, reports are published and catalogues of the sculptures are printed in different languages while other are still waiting to be analyzed or investigated. The results of most of these works suggest that in many cases,excavations are mainly aimed at finding precious antiquities, like sculptures, disregarding their study in archaeological context. Such is the case of the Buddhist site of But Kara III where two seasons’ excavations were carried which resulted thediscovery of about 190 Buddhist sculptures and a good number of stupas. The purpose of this lecture is, therefore, to revisit But Kara III site and study its antiquities, particularly sculptures, in their proper archaeological context and to understand the chronology of the site and the iconography andspace configuration in the stupas complex at But Kara III.
RockArt in the Upper Indus Valley (Pakistan)
主持人:谢继胜 教授
今巴基斯坦北部、印度河上游,是世上拥有最多岩画的地区之一,超过30000幅。这个庞大的岩画群,由数个岩画遗址所组成,这些遗址均沿着印度河及其支流分布,至少始于唐吉尔(Tangir)和达丽罗(Darel)(《法显传》中的”陀历河“)河口,向西到申杜尔山口(Shandur pass),往北至红旗拉甫口岸(Khunjerab Pass),然后再向东北可至达姆萨姆(Dum Sum)。由于岩画数量众多,并且种类多样,除有形象的描绘外,还可见古文字铭文,让我们不得不提出疑问:这些岩画是由谁(by whom),在什么时候(when),为什么(why)被雕刻出来?以及它们要传递给我们什么样的讯息?事实上,在部分岩画里,我们发现有创作者留下了自己姓名并且记述了当时的想法,而这些的发现,使我们重新去考虑有关创作者自何而来,大致在什么时间、在什么情况下进行雕刻等问题。本次演讲的目的,就是通过不同方面重新审视并且再研究这些岩画,来回答上述When,Why and by Whom的问题。
One of the largest rock art galleries in the world is located in the Upper Indus Valley,Northern Pakistan. This large complex of petroglyphs is composed of several rockcarvings sites located all along the Indus river and its tributaries starting at least from the mouths of Tangir and Darel (Ta-li-lo of Faxian) valleys and reaching on one hand to Shandur pass to the west, on the other to Khunjerab Pass to the north and then Dum Sum to the north-east. These multiple and varied carvings belong to different periods and group of peoples. Due to the great number of these carvings and struck by their multiplicity and diversity such as figural drawings and inscriptions, one has to ask by whom, when and why these carvings are executed and what lessons they have been carrying to convey us.The messages consigned in these rocks, in fact, furnish us an un-comparable sources of information regardings certain aspects of the individuals who left their names and expressed their ideas, etc. These discoveries brought us to reconsider certain essential points related to the origin of their engravers, the circumstances in which they have been engraved and their approximate dates. The purpose of this presentation is,therefore, to re-visit and study the different aspects of these carvings and to answer the above questions the answer of which are wrapped in them.
主持人:王霖 副教授
本次讲座即尝试通过:1. 以犍陀罗佛寺材料来研究2010年出土的云冈石窟窟顶西区佛寺,讨论云冈窟顶佛寺的构成与云冈石窟群间的关系,以及公元4、5世纪犍陀罗文化影响所及的范围;2. 以中国石窟寺的材料,论证犍陀罗塔赫特巴希(Takht-i-Bāhī)佛寺西侧地下小室的功能,来演绎两种研究模式,为犍陀罗研究探寻更多可能性。
[Prof.Dr. Muhammad Nasim Khan]
著名的考古学家(碑铭研究者、艺术史学者、古代文字学者),现为巴基斯坦白沙瓦伊斯兰学院犍陀罗研究中心(Gandhara Study Centre, Islamia College Peshawar)的创始人兼主任。
纳西姆教授分别于1984年、1991年获白沙瓦大学考古系硕士(MA)、研究硕士(M.Phil.)。1988年,获文化交流奖学金(Cultural ExchangeFellowship Programme)留学法国,在著名的印度学家福斯曼教授(Prof. Gérard Fussman)指导下,以优异的成绩在巴黎索邦大学(Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III)完成学士(Licence,1989)、研究硕士(DEA,1990)和博士(Doctorat,1995),随后于英国剑桥大学完成博士后研究。
纳西姆教授在田野考古方面拥有丰富的经验,不仅曾参与德国调查队在印度河上游针对岩画与古代铭文的调查,更完成了许多古代犍陀罗佛教及印度教遗址的相关调查与发掘项目。重要贡献有:1. 在犍陀罗发现早期的大乘手稿;2. 发现南亚第一所印度教大学在犍陀罗,克什米尔·斯马斯特[Kashmir Smast];3.发现并识别出Kohi,为南亚地区最早书写系统之一,使用于公元前3世纪至公元8世纪的犍陀罗和中亚;4. 考证出穆斯林最早于公元7世纪来到犍陀罗。并在文化遗产、穆斯林建筑、佛教艺术、钱币学、古文字学和碑铭研究等考古学各个领域,指导过许多硕士和博士学生。
纳西姆教授目前仍然是AncientPakistan的编辑,并且是Gandhāran Studies的创始人兼编辑。他在各种国内和国际期刊上发表数十篇研究论文,并出版了9本专著,包含了印度河流域上游岩画、各种印度古文字、印度教和佛教艺术、钱币学等各领域。他最重要的著作有:Kharoşțhí Manuscripts from Gandhāra; BuddhistPaintings from Gandhāra; The sacredand the Secular; Numismatic evidencefrom Kashmir Smast; Treasurers fromKashmir Smast and Kashmir Smast the earliest seat of Hindu Learning.